Well Domes LLC
Well Domes Protect Wells
Inventor Paul Varney Sr. (978) 355 - 3454
Well Dome Flood Protection Model
Quarter Section Model showing Ventilation Channel with Baffle and Check Valve. When water enters the ventilation channel,
the baffle rises to close the check valve. When flood water recedes, the baffle drops, the check valve reopens and normal ventilation resumes.
​ No maintenance is required.
Additionally, the screw-in cap can be tightened to manually close off the vent.
For flood protection, Well Dome must be sealed to a poured base. Please see Installation video on Standard Model page
Height 44" Height 32"
Top Diameter 34" Top Diameter 18"
​Bottom Diameter 42" Bottom Diameter 22"
Accommodates 10" well casing with standard top
Our Flood Protection Model Well Dome weighs 1.64 TN and offers considerable impact protection
Factory Form for Flood Protection Well Dome
FYI Please check out the US EPA link below
to learn how floods affect water wells.
​"Flood Conditions at the Well - Swiftly moving flood water can carry large debris that could loosen well hardware, dislodge well construction materials or distort casing." ... "People drinking or washing with water from a private well that has been flooded will risk getting sick." US EPA